Monday, 3 July 2017

5 Ways to Run Social Media Contest

5 Ways to Run Social Media Contest

Social media contests are the most trending activity on social media. In a way we can say that contest is one of the most emerging way to increase footfall on your social media platform. Running a social media contest is a new way which boost up your business, also it increase list of subscribers, get new twitter and facebook followers plus one can get more re-tweets and likes on the page and can create a fun experience in the process. In this blog, we are sharing 5 recommendations, choices for you to consider, and options to keep in mind when you’re running or going to run a social media contest for your own business.

-           Know what you want

Are you trying to get newsletter subscriptions, expose certain products, gain brand recognition, or drive up Facebook fans? Knowing what your goals are will guide the process.

-          Choose the type of contest
      Sweepstakes contests are the easiest to enter, with the lowest barrier of entry. Photo or video contests with fan votes get the most engagement. Caption contests or quiz contests are other options. Winners can be randomly selected, picked by you or a panel of judges you select, or voted on by other readers.

-          Decide how long the Contest will Run

If you’re running a photo or video contest, stretch contests out longer by having several rounds of voting. Even if you don’t have a huge budget but just want to spur some engagement, you can also do a flash contest. These contests – often one-day contests done every week or two – brings small bursts of engagement without emptying your marketing budget.

-          Choose a Platform

Decide whether you want the contest to run on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Choose one and stick to it, though you can still cross-promote your contest on other social networks. Want an all-encompassing campaign? Popular options for contests include Rafflecopter, Offerpop, Votigo, PunchTab, PromoSimple and Giveaway Tool. Many have free trial plans or versions that are free for up to a specified number of entries. Some have forms and templates.

-          Create a plan for Artwork

Depending on which platform you use, you may need to set aside some time and resources to create artwork for the contest. Some images need to be customized for different platforms.